
Showing posts from October, 2015

Perfect Weekend Destination near Delhi...Lansdowne

Not here to write how many km it is from Delhi..or Hotels in Lansdowne ..I hope there are lot many dedicated sites, Those can explain it much better then me. I would like to write what not to miss in Lansdowne and how your two three days can be memorable. What not to miss in Lansdowne:- 1. The Sunrise :- First thing first you got be lucky for that. Weather is not predictive and clouds can come at any given time. What you need to do is , attempt this two times if you missed in first.I mean you need to wake up two mornings that too before sunrise. Don't worry it will pay you, Ask your hotel manager or any local guy for the best place to see the sunrise. I managed to see this from Hotel "tip & top " , Jaiharikhal 6 Km far from Lansdowne at very first morning and here is what I saw :- And then you will witness the Himalayas in pink